


15 結晶工学 » 15.3 III-V族エピタキシャル結晶・エピタキシーの基礎

[16p-A301-1~6] 15.3 III-V族エピタキシャル結晶・エピタキシーの基礎

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 15:00 A301 (6号館)

西永 慈郎(産総研)

14:45 〜 15:00

[16p-A301-6] Growth and Structural Properties of Low-temperature grown InAs/MnAs Hybrid Structure on GaAs (111)B

〇(D)Tauhidul Islam1、Masashi Akabori1 (1.JAIST)

キーワード:MBE, hybrid structure, low temperature

In semiconductor spintronics, ferromagnetic/semiconductor hybrid structures have already attracted attention because of their potential application for spin field effect transistors (spin-FETs). We have developed MnAs/InAs based hybrid structures, which have shown some promising results in case of in-plane device applications [1]. In this case, however, the control of channel length is limited by lithography technique. To overcome the limitation, here we propose MnAs/InAs/MnAs vertical hybrid structures. In case of the vertical structure, where InAs channel is sandwiched between MnAs source and drain, the InAs channel length can be controlled by growth, thus, more simply controlled by the InAs layer thickness. To grow MnAs/InAs/MnAs vertical hybrid structures by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), it will be required to apply low growth temperature to match the usual growth temperature of MnAs (200-300 oC). The usual growth temperature of InAs in MBE is ~480oC [2], and there is a few reports of InAs growth on MnAs [3, 4]. Therefore, study of the low temperature (LT) growth of InAs/MnAs is quite important to realize the hybrid structures. In this report, we compare a novel LT-grown InAs/MnAs on GaAs (111)B with previous MnAs/InAs on GaAs(111)B [1].