17:00 〜 17:15
▲ [16p-A403-14] Tuning of Conductance Values by Si Doping in GeTe for Artificial Synapse Characteristics
キーワード:phase change memory, GeTe, Synaptic device
In this study, it was revealed that the Si dopant influences a change in the crystal structure environment of the existing rhombohedral structure of pristine GeTe. It was also confirmed through the Resistance-Temperature measurements and X-ray diffraction that Si-doped GeTe exhibits gradual resistance change with temperature due to the unique characteristic. The presence of Si atoms at Ge sites or Ge vacancies reduces the carrier concentration and hinders crystallization. Such results imply that Si-doped GeTe device shows gradual resistance reduction characteristics, long-term potentiation (LTP), and long-term depression (LTD), which are one of the characteristics of artificial synapses. [3] We investigated the artificial synaptic characteristics of devices using Si-doped GeTe to mimic the LTP/LTD properties. In the presentation, we will discuss synaptic functionalities in the Si-doped GeTe device.