


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

[16p-D419-1~18] 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 18:30 D419 (11号館)

山田 貴大(東工大)、周 偉男(物材機構)、山崎 匠(東北大)

13:45 〜 14:00

[16p-D419-2] Thermoelectric effect in YIG/Co-Ru/Pt systems

〇(M1)Yuka Ikeda1、Hamada Yuki1、Kurokawa Yuichiro1、Carmen Valderrama2、Andreas Berger2、Hiromi Yuasa1 (1.Kyushu Univ.、2.ClC nanoGUNE BRTA)

キーワード:sipin Seebeck effect, anomalous Nernst effect

The spin manipulation and enhancement are important for spin current application. We have previously reported that spin Seebeck voltage and SMR were improved by inserting 0.3-0.6 nm magnetic layers in the YIG/Pt system, where magnetic layer has no magnetization due to small thickness. However, if there is magnetic component in the inserted layers, it is difficult to separate the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) and anomalous Nernst effect (ANE). Compared to this, the magnetic state was successfully changed by composition modulation of Co-Ru with the same thickness. In this study, we systematically investigate the thermoelectric force in the YIG 50nm / 2nm /Pt 5nm.
All layers were deposited on thermally oxidized Si wafer by magnetron sputtering. We varied the composition x from 0 to 100. In each sample, we applied a temperature gradient from the top and bottom sides, and the voltage characteristics due to the external magnetic field were obtained.
SSE and ANE separated from total thermoelectric voltage. The increase and decreases as following the magnetism reduction except when the insertion layer is Co. In addition, as for SSE, the results showed an increase even after complete loss of magnetism. In the presentation, the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) and anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) will be also compared with the thermoelectric properties.