14:30 〜 14:45
▼ [16p-D704-5] Investigation of spin conversion using two-dimensional hole gas at the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface
キーワード:spintronics, diamond
Hydrogen-terminated (H-) diamond surface create a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) and it is regarded as a Rashba system possessing a strong and tunable spin-orbit interaction, which attracts researchers of spin-related condensed-matter physics. In this study, spin conversion using the H-diamond is investigated by using the harmonic Hall measurement. A Hall-bar device of diamond [100] / Ni80Fe20 (Py) was prepared. An ac electric current was injected and external magnetic field was applied. Second harmonic Hall voltage exhibits angular dependence, which allows estimation of the effective magnetic flux density due to dumping-like spin-orbit torque.