The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

1 Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology » 1.6 Ultrasonics

[17p-D505-1~11] 1.6 Ultrasonics

Fri. Mar 17, 2023 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM D505 (Building No. 11)

Shoji Kakio(Univ. of Yamanashi), Jun Kondoh(Shizuoka Univ.)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[17p-D505-5] New method for extracting effective electromechanical coupling coefficient keff2 directly from high overtone bulk acoustic resonator including electrodes

Yohkoh Shimano1,2, Kohei Yatabe3, Takahiko Yanagitani1,2,4,5,6 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.ZAIKEN, 3.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 4.JST-CREST, 5.JST-FOREST, 6.JST-START)

Keywords:Piezoelectric thin film, BAW devices, Electromechanical coupling coefficient

Electromechanical coupling coefficient is an important index that determines the bandwidth and insertion loss of RF filters. In high overtone acoustic wave resonator (HBAR), the effective electromechanical coupling coefficient keff2 including electrode has not yet been directly evaluated. In general, keff2 is measured using the resonance anti-resonance method (IEEE standard) after the piezoelectric layer is deposited on the substrate and the substrate is removed to form a freestanding bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR). In this report, we propose a new method for extracting keff2 directly from HBAR including electrodes