The 126th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Animal Science

Presentation information


5. 畜産物利用


Wed. Sep 18, 2019 1:30 PM - 4:20 PM 第II会場 (7番講義室)

座長:佐々木 啓介(農研機構畜産部門)、舩津 保浩(酪農大食と健康)、川井 泰(日大生資科)、重盛 駿(信州大農)

3:40 PM - 3:50 PM

[II-18-13] Mucus-binding factor regulate the adhesion ability of Lactobacillus rhamnosusto intestinal mucosa

*友常 加惠1,2,3、水野 滉也1,2,3、周 冰卉1,2,3、犬童 優樹1,2,3、Julio Villena4、Leonardo Albarracin4、Md Aminul Islam1,2、西山 啓太5、大坪 和香子1,2,3、北澤 春樹1,2,3 (1. 東北大院農、2. 食と農免疫国際教育研究セ、3. 日本学術振興会、4. 国立乳酸菌研、5. 北里大薬)

[Objective] Immunomodulatoryprobiotics (immunobiotics) have been considered a promising substitute for antimicrobials in livestock field due to their positive effects against gastrointestinal disorders.The mucus-binding factor (MBF), a bacterial surface protein that adhere to the intestinal mucosa and subsequently affects host immunity.Therefore, we elucidate the of MBF in the mucin-adhesion ability of L. rhamnosusin vitro by using gene-knockout technique. [Methods] Thembf-gene was knocked out from theL. rhamnosus genomeby double-crossover in pSG+E2 according to the protocol described by Yamauchi et al. (2019)1.Then, adhesion ability of knockout strain to mucin was evaluated by Biacore assay in soluble human colonic mucin (sHCM-A) and soluble porcine intestinal epithelial mucin (sPIM). [Results] We have successfully created the mbf-knockout (Δmbf)strain of L. rhamnosus. When the wild type and Δmbfwere compared, Δmbfshowed significantly decreased adhesion to sPIM, but not to sHCM-A.

1Yamauchi et al. (2019). J Dairy Sci.102: 1033-1043.