


2. 遺伝・育種


2019年9月19日(木) 09:30 〜 10:50 第III会場 (2番講義室)

座長:佐々木 修(農研機構畜産部門)、美川 智(農研機構畜産部門)

10:10 〜 10:20

[III-19-05] Global transcriptome analysis of pig induced pluripotent stem cells derived from six and four reprogramming factors

*福田 智一1、土井 浩二2、小林 久人3、安江 博2 (1. 岩手大理工、2. つくば遺伝子研、3. 奈良県医大)

Pigs are important animal as livestocks. However, due to the lack of embryonic stem cells, the possibility of genetic modification is quite limited. To overcome this limitation, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have been derived from pigs. Despite the public availability of a large number of expression datasets from mice, rats, and primates-derived iPS cells, the expression profile of pig- derived iPS cells is quite limited. Furthermore, there is no dataset focused on the profiling of pig-derived iPS cell with six reprogramming factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Lin28, and Nanog). Here, we used Illumina RNA sequencing platform to characterize the mRNA expression of four-factor derived and six-factor derived pig iPS cells. We observed that the expression levels of whole genes in our established six factors derived iPS cells and parent fibroblast, and compared with that of iPS cells with four factors in public database. These data are valuable in understanding species difference in the reprogramming process of stem cells, and could help identify the key regulating genes involved in the process.