


3. 繁殖・生殖工学


2019年9月18日(水) 14:00 〜 16:35 第IV会場 (4番講義室)

座長:田島 淳史(筑波大生命環境/T-PIRC農場)、山内 伸彦(九大院農)、横尾 正樹(秋田県大)、木村 直子(山形大)

14:10 〜 14:20

[IV-18-02] Impact of KnockOut™ Serum Replacement in the culture of chicken primordial germ cells

*小出 茅洋1、濵井 奈津子1、Effrosyni Fatira2、野村 茂2、竹之内 惇2,3、都築 政起1,2,3、中村 隼明1,2,3 (1. 広島大生物生産、2. 広島大院統合生命、3. 広島大日本鶏資源開発プロジェクト研究セ)

Culture of chicken primordial germ cells (PGCs) together with transfer procedures can facilitate efforts in cryobanking. Chicken PGCs can be proliferated in a defined medium containing key growth factors with the addition of transferrin instead of serum, but its efficiency still remains low. Here, we demonstrated the impact of KnockOutTM Serum Replacement (KSR), a defined, serum-free formulation, in serum-free culture of chicken PGCs. To investigate the effect of KSR on growth, 1,000 PGCs were cultured with defined medium lacking serum or containing KSR for 10 days. As a result, the addition of KSR enhanced the growth of PGCs. In order to examine whether KSR could improve the derivation efficiency, blood (1μL) containing PGCs was collected from 2-day-old embryos and cultured in a defined medium with either addition or absence of KSR. In all, the addition of KSR accelerated the derivation of PGCs. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the addition of KSR to a defined medium improves the derivation and propagation of chicken PGCs in culture.