The 94th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

On-demand Presentation

5 Pathogens and Infectious Diseases (including Epidemiology)

[ODP5A] a. Isolation and Characterization of Clinical Microbes

[ODP-087] A family case of CA-MRSA infection with USA300 clone

○Mariko Sugawara Mikami1, Hiroshi Kaneko2, Hidemasa Nakaminami2 (1West Yokohama Sugawara Dermatology Clinic, 2Dept. Microbiology, Sch. Pharmacy, Tokyo Univ. of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)

USA300 clone is known as a community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), causing skin and soft tissue infections. It is one of the highest pathogenic and global epidemic CA-MRSA clones and positive for the Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and arginine catabolic mobile element. Molecular epidemiological features of this clone are sequence type 8-SCCmec type IV. Recently, the reports of PVL-positive MRSA from not only medical facilities but also from the community has increased in Japan. It is very important to prevent the spread of PVL-positive MRSA, including USA300 infection both directions between community and the hospital. We report “a family case of CA-MRSA infection with USA300 clone”. First case was a wife; A 30-year-old woman. The symptom as the furuncles and folliculitis on her trunk had recurred 17 times. The second case was her husband; a 43-year-old man because of the familial infection. His symptom occurred folliculitis on his left femur close to greater trochanter on the first time and on second time occurred on left inguinal region. PVL-positive MRSA strains were found in both patients, and we identified them as USA300 clone by genetic analyses. Same as previous reports, both isolates were resistant to quinolone but susceptible to minocycline and fosfomycin. We should pay attention to this refractory pathogen.