Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 土木分野におけるセンサ技術の利用と可能性

土木分野におけるセンサ技術の利用と可能性 (2)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 2:55 PM - 4:25 PM CS-2 (幸町南6号館 第3講義室)

座長:福士 直子(国際航業)

[CS9-12] Experimental verification of viaduct vibration measurement using a hetero-core fiber optic accelerometer

*山崎 大志1、渡辺 一弘1、佐々木 博幸2、岩佐 宏一3、澤 健男3 (1. 創価大学、2. コアシステムジャパン、3. アイセイ)

Keywords:fiber optic sensor, accelerometer, vibration measurement, bridge

This report represents the performance on a viaduct of a hetero-core fiber accelerometer, which has both of cost efficiency equivalent to electrical sensors and robustness as fiber optic sensors. This accelerometer converts acceleration to transmission light loss, detected by a LED/PD measuring module. In a demonstration test, the accelerometer was clamped on a center of viaduct together with electric-based reference sensors, and then a dump car made traveled on the viaduct. Consequently, the proposed accelerometer measured vibrations in good agreement with the electrical accelerometer. Additionally, it was also discussed how to calculate displacement amplitudes from accelerations.

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