Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM II-1 (幸町北3号館 323講義室)

座長:田代 喬(名古屋大学)

[II-03] Comparison of ichthyofauna with capture and environmental DNA meta-barcoating analysis

*上月 佐葉子1、三塚 多佳志1、池田 幸資1、三佐川 剛昌2、飛田 大輔2、山田 浩行1 (1. パシフィックコンサルタンツ、2. 国土交通省 北海道開発局 函館開発建設部)

Keywords:Environmental DNA, metabarcoding analysis, River census, a ichthyofauna monitoring method

Environmental DNA metabarcoding analysis was compared with fish capture surveys to validate the challenges in using environmental DNA metabarcoding as a ichthyofauna monitoring method.

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