Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


地盤材料・一般/土質安定処理・地盤改良 (8)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM III-5 (幸町北4号館 422講義室)

座長:末次 大輔(宮崎大学)

[III-506] Study on ground improvement with paper sludge ash

*岩谷 隆文1、吉野 修1、北辻 政文2、阿部 友里恵2 (1. 西松建設、2. 宮城大学)

Keywords:Paper sludge ash, heavy metal, insolubilization, ettringite, ground improvemet

The paper sludge ash generated from pulp and paper factory contains 40-50% of CaO, it was expected as ground improvement materials superior in economy.
In this research, authors investigated ettringite formed is extremely effective for insolubilization of heavy metal (fluorine) in paper sludge. Secondly we decide mixture of ground improvement by the results of ettringite formed, and investigated the effect in laboratory test.

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