Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM IV-1 (幸町北4号館 428講義室)

座長:宮崎 耕輔(香川高等専門学校)

[IV-05] Comparative Analysis of Residental Area and Existing Public Transportation Network Based on Interview Survey

*大和 傑1、西内 裕晶1、岡田 渓佑2、西尾 拓哉3 (1. 高知工科大学、2. 高知工科大学大学院、3. 田野町役場)

Keywords:Local public transport, Local community bus, Tano-town, Aki-district, Kochi-prefecture, Movement demand, Public transportation improvement, Intervier survey

In this study, the residential area and traffic behavior of users are visualized from interview surveys of major facility users in Tano-town, Aki-district, Kochi Prefecture, and compared with the existing public transportation network, the current public traffic improvement and residents' status We showed the difference with the movement demand and examined the traffic service along the movement demand.

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