Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Thu. Sep 5, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM IV-2 (幸町北4号館 432講義室)


[IV-111] Experiments on Guiding Robots for Visually Impaired People

*﨑山 賢人1、内田 敬2 (1. 中央復建コンサルタンツ、2. 大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科)

Keywords:Pedestrian guiding robots, Verbal map, Barrier-free, Trial experiment

We are gaining a prospect of putting visually impaired people navigation by "verbal map" even if it is in complicated street network. Navigation by "verbal map" functions well in "linear" spaces which are recognized as roads and aisles. However, it don’t function well in "non-linear" spaces which are recognized as square and plaza.Therefore, it is expanded to navigation capable of guided walking by adding "Guiding Robots" as an interface device of a navigation system using it .In this study, a prototype robot is assembled on the premise of using it in a shopping mall. Trial experiment on a course that simulates a shopping mall was conducted, and we evaluate user experience.

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