Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM V-5 (幸町北5号館 第4会議室)

座長:野島 昭二(中日本高速技術マーケティング)

[V-141] Performance evaluation of excellent visibility spalling prevention method using fiber bonding even construction in one day

*深田 達也1、山崎 大輔1、三村 典正1 (1. ショーボンド建設)

Keywords:Visibility spalling prevention, Tunnel, Reducing the construction time, Fire resistance, Gas toxicity test

We developed the spalling prevention method which has excellent visibility for covering concrete, and construction is completed in a day after the surface preparation. It is an effective method for the limitation at construction days like a tunnel. And deformed covering concrete can be checked during inspection because of using transparent materials after curing. Furthermore, since it use only glass-cloth and epoxy resin excellent in flame retardant property, it has excellent fire resisting performance and safe on disaster prevention in a comparatively closed space such as an in–tunnel space.

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