Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


物性 (2)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM V-1 (幸町北4号館 433講義室)

座長:東 洋輔(オリエンタル白石)

[V-27] The relationship of the various curing conditions and the concrete strength

*相澤 雅俊1 (1. シーテック)

The texture formation and strength development of concrete are influenced by curing temperature and water supply. In early demolding, it is assumed that hydration will be insufficient due to water evaporation, which may affect the hardening properties of concrete. In this report, the relationship between the compressive strength and the curing condition was confirmed by the exposure test under the environment of different curing conditions (wetting, sealing, air-drying) for concrete with compressive strength of 36 N / mm2.

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