Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM V-2 (幸町北5号館 522講義室)

座長:塩畑 英俊(東日本高速道路)

[V-415] A Study on Response Characteristics of Railway Cut-and-Over Tunnel with Slab Opening

*永坂 亮介1、後藤 幸司1、加藤 久也1、仲山 貴志2、牛田 貴士2 (1. ジェイアール東海コンサルタンツ、2. 鉄道総合技術研究所)

Keywords:Cut and over tunnel, opening, 3DFEM

It is necessary to provide a large-scale slab opening in order to install elevator equipment to the open-cut tunnels in the railway underground station. In this case, the strength of the main member that resists the external force is reduced, which affects the response characteristics of the entire system of the open-cut tunnels. Therefore, if the opening size is large, there is a concern that it may not be possible to cope with the conventional opening reinforcement range. In this study, with the purpose of quantifying the influence of a large-scale slab opening on the response value of open-cut tunnels, a three-dimensional FEM analysis using the size and shape of the opening as a parameter is carried out.

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