Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


維持・管理/検査技術・診断 (2)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM VI-13 (幸町総合教育棟 第32講義室)

座長:内田 慎哉(富山県立大学)

[VI-135] Fundamental Characteristics and Detection Improvement of Wide-range Ultrasonic Testing (WUT) for
Post-tensioning Pre-stressed Concrete ×

*福島 邦治1、山田 浩司1、木下 尚宜2、吉武 勇3 (1. (株)日本ピーエス、2. (株)エッチアンドビーシステム、3. 山口大学)

Keywords:Non-destructive Inspection, Wide-Range Ultrasonic Testing, PC Grout Inspection, Filling method

Although Wide-Range-ultrasonic method (WUT) is used as a PC-digit main cable grout filling survey technology, there are many case studies on the in-service bridge and new bridge, Applied grout filling of 330 places where 150 grout filled judgment in previously reported had a disability have been reported... This is WUT filled decision is based on the rule of thumb that might contribute to. In this study, examine WUT characteristics using a real bridge, further improvement of filling surveys considering grout filling methods and evaluation for the purpose.

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