Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


建設マネジメント (4)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM VI-6 (幸町総合教育棟 多目的室1)

座長:川上 季伸(大林組)

[VI-307] Development of the traceability system for promotion of effective and proper use on excavated soil(Part 2)

*高野 昇1、新妻 弘章1、大竹 利幸2、松橋 宏明3、中村 泰広4 (1. 一般財団法人先端建設技術センター、2. 前田建設工業(株)、3. (株)日本能率協会総合研究所、4. 鹿島建設(株))

Keywords:Effective use of construction surplus soil(excavated soil), IoT construction site, traceability , i-constrution

In this research and development, we developed a “construction surplus soil traceability system(SS-TRACE SYSTEM)" that promotes effective and appropriate use of construction surplus soil(excavated soil) and contributes to improving the productivity of construction sites in the two years of fiscal 2017 and 2018. In addition to the outline of the project and the effects based on demonstration experiments, etc., the practical application plan for the next fiscal year and after is shown.

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