Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2020 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Chair:Shigeo Tanabe

[VI-464] Confirmation of reinforcing effect of steel girder in service by carbon fiber sheet with laminated separator

〇Yasuhiko Moriyama1, Futoshi Matsushima2, Yasumoto Aoki3 (1.ASANUMA CORPORATION, 2.KFC Corporation, 3.Hanshin Expressway Company)

Keywords:Continuous fiber sheet, Reinforcement of steel structure, High basis weight, Bending reinforcement, Preventive maintenance, Steel girder in service

The fiber sheet is manufactured by stitching continuous fibers to a separator composed of non-woven fabric and film. The separation of the adhesive and the impregnating agent by the separator makes it possible to use a low-viscosity impregnating agent, and the maximum weight per layer can be increased up to 2400 g / m2, thereby greatly improving the construction efficiency. This paper reports on the effect of reinforcing steel girders on a highway in service, which was performed in the development of the steel girder reinforcement method using the continuous fiber sheet.

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