Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


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Thu. Sep 14, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM I-4 (広島大 東広島キャンパス総合科学部講義棟 K108)

Chair: Yamashita shuhei

1:50 PM - 2:00 PM

[I-120] Analytical Study Focusing on Shear Deformation of Elastomeric Dampers with Delamination

*Suguru Kodaka1, Kazutoshi Nagata1, Shinya Watanabe2, Kunitomo Sugiura2, Zicheng Han1 (1. Graduate School of Nagoya Institute of Technology, 2. Graduate School of Kyoto University)

Keywords:elastomeric dampers, delamination, shear deformation, static analysis

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