Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


接合 (2)

Thu. Sep 14, 2023 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM I-5 (広島大 東広島キャンパス総合科学部講義棟 K109)

Chair: Makoto Ishikawa

5:10 PM - 5:20 PM

[I-166] Experimental study on the limit states of high-strength bolted frictional patch plate joints with adhesive on the contact surfaces

*Sae Fukutsuji1, Takashi Yamaguchi2, Yoshiki Taniguchi3, Shinsuke Akamatsu4, Hisakazu Horii5 (1. Osaka City University, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University, 3. Hanshin Expressway Company, 4. Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for Advanced Technology, 5. Konishi Company)

Keywords:combined joint, limit states, patch plate repair, adhesive

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