Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


疲労 (1)

Thu. Sep 14, 2023 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM I-3 (広島大 東広島キャンパス総合科学部講義棟 K107)

Chair: Masamichi Saito

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM

[I-72] Improve the Fatigue Life of Deck-through Crack in Orthotropic Steel Deck by Using Anti-Fatigue Damage Steel

*Doan Thihuyen1, Yasuyuki Kurihara1, Yoshihiro Hyodo1, Takahiro Sakimoto1, Tetsuya Tagawa1 (1. JFE Steel Corporation)

Keywords:Bridge, Orthotropic steel deck, Fatigue, Deck-through crack, Anti-Fatigue Damage Steel

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