Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Fri. Sep 15, 2023 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM V-6 (広島大 東広島キャンパス総合科学部講義棟 K207)

Chair: Yuya Kaneuji

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM

[V-674] Results of a Study on the Corrosion Prevention Effectiveness of the Cathodic protection method Applied to Narrow Girder Ends of Bridges after 10 Years of Application

*Wataru Akune1, Takuya Fukui1, Toshiyuki Kanda1, Mikio Wakasugi1, Tomohiro Fukuda2, Kazuaki Akazawa2, Atsushi Kashima3, Mituhide Kataoka4, Kosuke Tokunaga4, Ryo Kato4, Yu Masuzawa4 (1. Chemical Constrution, 2. Estec, 3. Sumitomo Osaka Cement, 4. Nexco-Engineering Tohoku)

Keywords:Cathodic Protection Method, External Power Supply System, Solar Power Generating System, Narrow Girder Ends of Bridges, Maintenance

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