Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Fri. Sep 15, 2023 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM V-8 (広島大 東広島キャンパス総合科学部講義棟 K209)

Chair: Takashi Kawanishi

5:40 PM - 5:50 PM

[V-764] Durability and tensile properties of the FRP reinforcing materials exposed to under the indoor and marine environment for a long term

*Kiyotaka Hosoi1, Eiji Koda3, Tomohiro Takeichi1, Naoki NAGAMOTO4, Bruno RIBEIRO 2, Atsushi HATTORI2, Tomoki SHIOTANI2 (1. Kobelco Wire, 2. Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, 3. Tokyo Rope International, 4. Sumitomo Mitsui Construction)

Keywords:FRP reinforcing materials, Long term durability, Tensile properties, Prestressed concrete

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