Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


設計技術 (3)

Fri. Sep 15, 2023 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM VI-20 (広島工業大 五日市キャンパス三宅の森Nexus21 810)

Chair: Naoshi Inoue

4:40 PM - 4:50 PM

[VI-1111] Verification of stable operating conditions in the seawater intake system of the No. 3 and No. 4 seawater pump pits and intake channels at Kobe Power Station

*Koki Sugiyama1, Masataka Sugimoto1, Tatsuo Sota2, Shinjiro Oomoto2, Yukihiro Mizuhata2, Atsushi Furukawa2 (1. Kobe Steel, Ltd., 2. Kumagai Gumi Co.,Ltd.)

Keywords:Thermal, Power plant, Seawater intake, Flow velocity measurement, Drone, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

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