Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


自動化システム (1)

Fri. Sep 15, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM VI-11 (広島工業大 五日市キャンパス三宅の森Nexus21 602)

Chair: kaname takahashi

1:00 PM - 1:10 PM

[VI-773] Experimental study about a horizontal movement and the motion of the caisson led by mooring wires

*Ryouta Sumi1, Akinobu Watase1, Keita Kouda1, Yuki Odagiri1, Naoyuki Katou1, Masato Wada1, Takashi Yamano1 (1. TOYO CONSTRUCTION)

Keywords:caisson installation, automation, mooring, oscillation

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