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一般セッション(第一部門:物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までー)

物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までーA

Sat. May 16, 2020 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM A会場 (A)

座長:山本 真哉(清水建設㈱)

[S01A-02] Simultaneous Estimation Method of Tension, Bending Stiffness and Damper Parameters of Cable with Damper

Aiko Furukawa1, Shuya Suzuki1, Ryosuke Kobayashi2, *Katsuya Hirose1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Shinko Wire Company)

Keywords:Vibration method, Damper, Natural frequency

At present, tension of a bridge cable is generally estimated by the vibration method or high order vibration method which utilizes natural frequencies of a cable. However, this method is not appropriate for a cable with a damper since the damper changes natural frequencies. Authors already proposed an estimation method of cable tension, bending stiffness and damper parameters using natural frequencies. In this paper, a new method is proposed which considers the imaginary part of the eigenvalues and mode shapes in addition to natural frequencies. It was confirmed that the new method has higher accuracy through the experiments.