
Presentation information


一般セッション(第一部門:物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までー)

物理数学力学問題 ー物理現象のモデル化から逆問題までーB

Sat. May 16, 2020 3:25 PM - 5:00 PM A会場 (A)

座長:須藤 敦史(東北工業大学)

[S01B-06] Parametric Instability of Twin Wheels Moving on a Periodically Supported Rail

Kazuhisa Abe1, *Tomoharu Nakayama1, Kazuhiro Koro1 (1. Niigata University)

Keywords:sleeper passing frequency, eigenvalue problem, periodic structure

Parametric instability of wheels moving on a periodically supported rail is investigated. The railway track is modeled by an infinitely long rail and elastic supports located with constant spacing. Wheels of a moving bogie are represented by two unsprung masses. Analytic solution is derived for the dynamic interaction between the track and wheelsets, and the coupling effect of twin wheels on the instability nature is discussed.