
Presentation information




Sat. May 16, 2020 3:25 PM - 5:00 PM B会場 (B)

座長:西藤 潤(京都大学)

[S02D-02] Non-Linear Plate Theory Consistent with Continuum Mechanics and Formulation of Non-Linear Plate Element

*Hideaki Sonobe1, Hotta Wataru1, Shunichi Suzuki1, Hiroki Motoyama2, Muneo Hori3 (1. Taisei Corporation, 2. Kagawa University, 3. JAMSTEC)

Keywords:Non-Linear Plate Theory, Continuum Mechanics, Meta-Modeling, Constitutive Relation for Concrete

For the use of finite element method implemented with a solver of conjugate gradient method, we proposed a new plate theory that is consistent with continuum mechanics; it is deduced from continuum mechanics by making suitable mathematical approximations without introducing any physical assumptions. It is straightforward to take into consideration material non-linearity that is expressed in terms of tensorial constitutive relations. Based on this theory, a plate element which has a positive-definite symmetric element stiffness matrix for non-linear materials is formulated.