
Presentation information




Sat. May 16, 2020 3:25 PM - 5:00 PM D会場 (D)

座長:音田 慎一郎(京都大学)

[S04B-06] Stability and Beach Protection Property of the Round Gabion Revetment

Ayumi Saruwatari1, *Masanori Kobayashi1, Nobutaka Takasuka1, Hirofumi Koyama2, Mikio Takahashi2, Takayuki Yamashita3, Ekimori Higuchi4, Yasunori Watanabe1 (1. Hokkaido University, 2. Fudo Tetra Corp., 3. Hokkaido Kawasaki Tetsumo Co., Ltd., 4. Towaron Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:Round Gabion Revetment, Stability Against Waves, Beach Protection Function

Gabion revetments are known to work as a short-term protection of the eroded beaches. Although rectangular gabions have been often used for the revetment material, round-shaped gabions so-called ‘daruma-kago’ are possible to show better performance in terms of their long-term resistance against the wave force. In this study, stability of the round-gabion revetment as well as beach profile features around the gabions are shown through the laboratory experiments.