
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (5.応用数理問題―計算機科学から社会科学まで)


Sat. May 28, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Meeting room E (Online)

座長:松岡 弘大(公益財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所)

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

[2E01-05-02] Anomaly Detection of River Revetment for Individual Blocks Using Variational Auto Encoder

*Yukino Tsuzuki1, Ryuto Yoshida1, Junichi Okubo1, Junichiro Fujii1, Takayoshi Yamashita2 (1. Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd., 2. Chubu University)

Keywords:Anomaly detection, Variational Autoencoder, Template matching, Maintenance

The management of river revetment is mainly carried out visually by engineers. There are many types in the deformation related to the functional depression of the river revetment. If these can be detected from revetment images, the efficiency improvement of inspection can be expected. Recently, VAE has been shown to be effective as an anomaly detection technology for uniform components. Since river revetment is formed by blocks of the same pattern, it is thought that anomaly detection in individual blocks is possible. This paper proposes the method for cropping individual blocks and the effectiveness of anomaly detection by VAE.