
Presentation information

Common session

Organized Session(数値解析の検証と妥当性確認(V&V)、不確かさ評価)


Sat. May 27, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM B (6号館 4階 6418室)

座長:櫻井 英行(清水建設㈱)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[12013-20-02] Validation method of in site test(Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Shin Sato1, Hara Akira1, Shimura Tomoyuki1 (1. Obayashi corporation)

Keywords:MCMC Method, THM coupled analysis, Validation

This study proposes a validation method for in-situ testing. The in-situ test was the HE-E experiment conducted at the Mont Terri rock laboratory in Switzerland to understand the coupled behavior of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical coupled behavior. Focusing on the THM coupled behavior, a method for validating the reproducibility of relative humidity was investigated. The material uncertainty was quantified by applying the MCMC method. The uncertainty of the experiment was quantified by focusing on the accuracy of the measurement equipment. We proposed that the validity verification method in ASME V&V 10.1 can be applied by quantifying the uncertainty with the above method.