
Presentation information

Regular Session

General Session (5.応用数理問題―計算機科学から社会科学まで)


Sun. May 28, 2023 2:35 PM - 4:05 PM D (6号館 3階 6309室)

座長:市村 強(東京大学)

2:50 PM - 3:05 PM

[24013-18-02] Usage Application of Tsunami Hazard Information Related to The Nankai Trough Earthquake (Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Mechanics)

*Tsuneo OHSUMI1, Hiroyuki Fujiwara1, Kazunori Yamaguchi2, Makoto Nemoto2, Masahiko Tokunaga3 (1. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), 2. OYO Corporation, 3. Tokushima Prefecture)

Keywords:The Nankai Trough Earthquake, Tsunami Hazard Information, Usage Application

Accumulation of many investigations is needed for the tsunami hazard assessment and the usage application. These studies were made open to the public by way of NIED Technical Notes titled, “Report on an approach to probablic Tsunami Hazard Assessment related to The Nankai Trough Earthquake” and “Report on Usage Application of Tsunami Hazard Information”. This project has been supporting various kind of measures by sectors such as municipalities, on the design tsunami heights, and so on.