The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists

Plenary Lectures

July 24 (Mon.)  16:30-17:30
Chairperson: Hiroshi Sasaki (Osaka Univ.)

Title:Modeling human peri-gastrulation development with peri-gastruloids

Prof. Jun Wu (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
Lab HP:

July 24 (Mon.)  17:30-18:15
Chairperson: Noriko Osumi (Tohoku Univ.)

Title:From Embryo-derived Stem Cells to Stem Cell-derived Embryos: lessons from and for developmental biology (recorded)

Prof. Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz(University of Cambridge / California Institute of Technology)
Lab HP:

July 24 (Mon.)  18:15-19:15
Chairperson: Ryuichi Nishinakamura (Kumamoto Univ.)

Title:Understanding of stem cell niche for adult human endoderm-derived organs

Prof. Toshiro Sato (Keio University)
Lab HP: