The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation14 Neural Development

Tue. Jul 25, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room C (3F Shirakashi)

Chairpersons:Koji Oishi(Univ. of Tokyo), Nagayasu Nakanishi (Univ. of Arkansas)

Subject # "OP14e-1(A)(P148)" and "OP14e-2(A)(P149)" are Oral Presentation Awards candidate.
Subject # "OP14j-7(P147#)" and "OP14j-8" are in Japanese.

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[OP14e-3] Regulation of glial cell development in the mammalian neocortex by organelle stress response pathways


*Koji Oishi1,2, Jun Motoyama3, Kazunori Nakajima2, Yukiko Gotoh1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 2. Dept. of Anat., Keio Univ. Sch. of Med., 3. Grad. Sch Brain Science, Doshisha Univ.)

Keywords:glia, gliogenesis, organelle stress response, neocortical development

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