The 69th Annual Meeting of JSFST

Presentation information

Young Scholars and International sessions (Poster presentation)

[若手の会ポスター]C 農畜水産物とその加工品 (Poster session: Agricultural product, Livestock product, Seafood, and their processed products)

[PC] [若手の会ポスター]C 農畜水産物とその加工品 (Poster session: Agricultural product, Livestock product, Seafood, and their processed products)

Wed. Aug 24, 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Poster room 3 (PC)

[PC-52] フレッシュモッツァレラチーズの保存中の変化

○横山 孝幸1、中村 卓1 (1. 明治大(農))