21st APAGE Annual Congress / 61th Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy


2 results  (1 - 2)

[14] Amco inc.

Amco inc. 株式会社アムコは、特に電気メス分野で高いシェア率を誇っており、多くの病院でアムコ製品を採用いただいております。ドイツをはじめとして世界各国から最先端の医療機器を取り揃えております。


[9] Applied Medical Japan K.K.

Applied Medical Japan K.K. Applied Medical has delivered high quality products that contribute to the advancement of minimally invasive surgery and enhance clinical care for over 30 years.
As a vertically integrated organiz...