21st APAGE Annual Congress / 61th Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy


3 results  (1 - 3)

[11] Japan Medicalnext Co.,Ltd.

Japan Medicalnext Co.,Ltd. 日本メディカルネクスト株式会社は三菱商事グループの医療機器輸入商社です。 【展示内容】 ①新製品バーブドスーチャー『Quill PDO ノットレススーチャー』 ②KLS Martin社 電気メス『maXium』 ③ConMed社 腹腔鏡手術器具『BluView』『Universal Plus』 ④AMS社 皮膚用接着剤『リキバンド』

[8] Japan Polymer Technology Corporation

Japan Polymer Technology Corporation You can create your own original training method with our training room.
We are always here for doctors. 

 In 2013, we started selling the world's first needle holder specialized for...

[2] Johnson&Johnson K.K.

Johnson&Johnson K.K. We will mainly deliver surgical videos, including the introduction of our membership-based video website.