35 results
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ATOX sells "Vrain", a PET scanner for head, jointly developed and commercialized through industry-academia collaboration, "Galli Eo®", a Ge-68/Ga-68 generator that can elute positron...
Brightonix Imaging is a innovative healthcare company established with the goal to provide society with innovative biomedical imaging devices and solutions. We are currently offering AI-powered me...
We introduce the latest PET & SPECT products and PMOD software.

We will have an exhibition of New Digital PET-CT System “Cartesion Prime”,
Large Bore TOF PET-CT System "Celesteion", and Tripple-Headed SPECT System "GCA-9300R".

We utilize our technical strength and know-how, which we have accumulated as a pioneer, for the comprehensive radiation safety control service to provide "safety and security" to our customers.

CMI, Inc. is selling PET-related products such as cyclotrons and various synthesizers,
as well as providing more optimal PET center planning and development.

Comecer is an Italian company that designs and builds systems and equipment for the safe treatment of radioactive substances used in Nuclear Medicine, guaranteeing minimum exposure to the operator,...
We are Cyclomedica – bringing light into Molecular Imaging since 1986. We have paved the way with Molecular Imaging solutions in Australia and around the globe. From innovation, development to clin...

TRASIS社製自動合成装置 "AllinOne"
TASIS社製トレーサー品質管理装置 "QC1"
ITM, a leading radiopharmaceutical biotech company, is dedicated to providing a new generation of radiomolecular precision therapeutics and diagnostics for hard-to-treat tumors. We aim to meet the...
JFEエンジニアリングは1985年の事業開始以来30年を超える実績をもとに、先端医療診断で活躍するPET用薬剤製造システムの構築支援を行っております。 放射線遮蔽計算、建屋設備計画ほかGMP対応等を含めた最適なPETシステムの基本設計・企画提案から施工、試運転、アフターフォロー運転支援まで一貫した安全・安心のサービスを提供いたします。

Validation service of Hot lab, Validation service of Clean apparatus, Environmental microorganism inspection, Trust of a conformity examination of a sterility test , Selling Sterile Closed Vials

Imaging CRO. Introducing Invicro's imaging technology in the United States. Supports from preclinical studies to late phase clinical trial. In particular, Invicro has strengths in quantitative anal...
Kyoto Kagaku has provided unique medical training models. We value the idea "realizing education that inspires through manufacturing".
This year, we exhibit various cutting-edge radiology phantoms...

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