
Presentation information

[JSNM]Neurology4: Brain tau PET and Others

Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program » [核医学]一般演題 口演


Brain tau PET and Others

Sat. Sep 10, 2022 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM Room7 (Kyoto International Conference Center 1F RoomC-1)

Chair:Takashi Kato (Department of Radiology, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology), Manabu Tashiro (Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University)

[M2VIIB2] Early experience with 18F-NAV4694 and 18F-MK6240 PET in dementia

Hiroshi Matsuda1、Haruo Hanyu2、Chikako Kaneko3 (1.Department of Biofunctional Imaging, Fukushima Medical University、2.Center for Dementia Research, Tokyo General Hospital、3.:Department of Neurology, Southern Tohoku General Hospital)

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