


2-01 外科治療


2015年7月16日(木) 15:50 〜 16:40 第4会場 (1F ジュピター)

河田 政明 (自治医科大学とちぎ子ども医療センター)
中野 俊秀 (福岡市立こども病院)


[I-O-20] Profile of Surgically Modified History of Heterotaxy Syndrome

小谷 恭弘1, 笠原 真悟1, 藤井 泰宏1, 近藤 麻衣子2, 馬場 健児2, 大月 審一2, 黒子 洋介1, 川畑 拓也1, 吉積 功1, 新井 禎彦1, 佐野 俊二1 (1.岡山大学 心臓血管外科, 2.岡山大学 小児科)

キーワード:Heterotaxy syndrome, 単心室, Fontan

Objective: Surgical treatment for patients with heterotaxy syndrome is still a challenge. We sought to analyze the risk factor for worse clinical outcome in patients undergoing single-ventricle palliation. Methods: 160 patients who were treated as single ventricle were retrospectively reviewed. Co-existent anomalies include TAPVC in 59 (37%), CAVV as valve morphology in 113 (71%), pulmonary atresia in 52 (33%). Results: 1st palliation includes BTS in 87 (54%) patients, PAB in 24 (15%) patients, and RV-PA in 6 (4%) patients. TAPVC repair was performed in 45 (69% of total TAPVC) patients. Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed a survival of 87% at 1-year, 80% at 5-year, and 77% at 10-year, respectively. Mortality was observed in 39 (24%) patients, mostly seen before BDG (before BDG in 24 (62%), after BDG in 7 (18%), and after Fontan in 8 (20%). Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed that patients with TAPVC had a significantly lower survival compared to those without TAPVC (TAPVC: 74% vs. non TAPVC: 95% at 1-year, p<0.001). Patients with pulmonary atresia had a tendency towards higher mortality but did not reach to a statisitical significance (PA: 22% vs. non PA: 9% at 1-year, p=0.111). Need for atrioventricular valve repair was not associated with mortality. Logistic risk analysis revealed presence of TAPVC as a risk factor for mortality (p<0.001). Conclusions: Presence of TAPVC is a significant risk factor associated with mortality in the first year of life. Pulmonary atresia and significant atrioventricular valve regurgitation was not related to the mortality.