The 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Presentation information




Fri. Jul 6, 2018 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第6会場 (411+412)

座長:大内 秀雄(国立循環器病研究センター 小児循環器科)
座長:先﨑 秀明(北里大学病院 小児科)

[II-OR29-04] アストロサイトの活性化がストレス後の持続的な血圧上昇に関与している:高血圧の病態生理に関する考察

長谷部 洋平1,2,3, 岡田 泰昌2, 横田 茂文4, 小泉 敬一1, 吉沢 雅史1, 河野 洋介1,2, 喜瀬 広亮1, 星合 美奈子5, 杉田 完爾1, 戸田 孝子1 (1.山梨大学 医学部 小児科, 2.村山医療センター 電気生理学研究室, 3.山梨県立中央病院 総合周産期母子医療センター 新生児科, 4.島根大学 医学部 解剖学講座 神経形態学, 5.山梨県立中央病院 小児科)

Keywords:astrocytes, hypertension, stress

【Background】 When psychological stress is loaded to subjects, the sympathetic nervous system is excited, which reflectively evokes blood pressure (BP) elevation, and the elevation persists for a while even after the stress is relieved. However, cellular mechanisms of stress-induced persistent BP elevation have not been fully clarified. It has been revealed that astrocytes play active roles in the emergence of neural plasticity defined as lasting to adapt to environmental changes in the central nervous system.
【Purpose】 We hypothesized that astrocytes are involved in post-stress persistent BP elevation.
【Methods】 BP response to air-jet stress (AJS) was analyzed in unanaesthetized rats before and after administration of arundic acid (AA), which selectively blocks astrocytic functions. Further, we examined the effects of AA on AJS induced activation of neurons by c-Fos immunohistochemistry.
【Results】 AJS evoked BP elevation, and the elevation persists after stress loading. However, the elevation was not observed under pretreatment with AA. Histochemically, AJS induced the expression of c-Fos in cardiovascular brain regions, but pretreatment with AA significantly suppressed the expression of c-Fos in these regions.
【Conclusion】 We demonstrated that astrocytes, beside neurons, are actively involved in the post-stress sustainment of BP elevation. These findings suggest the causative relationship between astrocytes and hypertension. Astrocytes could be a target in the development of anti-hypertensive drugs.