4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
*Norimitsu Hirose1, Tatsuya Itahara1 (1. Hoganas Japan K. K.)
Special Issue: The Key Technologies of PM Parts for the Next Car Generation
Wed. Oct 23, 2019 4:45 PM - 5:35 PM Room II (1F, Symposion Hall)
Chairperson:Shigeru UNAMI(JFE-Steel Corporation)
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
*Norimitsu Hirose1, Tatsuya Itahara1 (1. Hoganas Japan K. K.)
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
*Shigeki Egashira1, Takashi Sekiya1, Tomoyuki Ishimine1, Tomoyuki Ueno1, Masahiro Fujii2 (1. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., 2. Okayama University)
5:15 PM - 5:25 PM
*Yusuke Hori1, Reiko Okuno1, Yuuichirou Egami1, Daisuke Harimoto2, Keiichi Uemoto1 (1. Sumitomo Electric Sintered Alloy, Ltd., 2. Sumiden powder Metallurgy (Wuxi),Co,Ltd)
5:25 PM - 5:35 PM
*Junpei Hara1, Chihiro Takenaka1, Masato Uozumi1, Kazuhiko Suganaga1 (1. SUMITOMO ELECTRIC SINTERED ALLOY,LTD.)
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