Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2019


6 results  (1 - 6)

[E-3] Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation

We will introduce TNSC’s metal 3D printing business, including our partnership and their products such as,
1) Laser Metal Deposition type of metal 3D printer by Optomec
2) Contract manufacturing se...


UNICO LTD. ステンレス製グローブボックス及び不活性ガス循環精製装置の専門メーカーUNICOは、装置の設計・製造から、販売・アフターメンテナンスまでの全てを自社にて一貫して行い、「高品質」「低価格」の製品を全国の皆様にご提供致しております。

[E-6] Seishin Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Seishin Enterprise Co., Ltd. PITA-04 has particles flow in a special cell (chip) and shows their images captured by a high-speed and high-pixel density CCD camera in a short time.
It adopts the latest technology of micro sorti...