Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2023

Presentation information

Special Session » Control and Manipulation of Microstructure in Magnetic Materials for Functional Devices

Control and Manipulation of Microstructure in Magnetic Materials for Functional Devices

Thu. Oct 19, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:05 PM Room III (Room B1-A)

Chairperson:Yoshitaka KITAMOTO(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM

[3-13A] Evaluation of Local Magnetic Properties in Ferrite Magnets through Magnetic Domain-Wall Observations Under Applied Magnetic Field by DPC STEM

*Yoshiki O. Murakami1, Takehito Seki1,2, Katsuki Anai3, Yoshinori Kobayashi3, Tsunehiro Kawata3, Yuichi Ikuhara1,4, Naoya Shibata1,4 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. JST PRESTO, 3. Proterial, Ltd., 4. JFCC ) (※This presenter is a candidate for the Student Award for Outstanding Presentation.)

Keywords:Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy(STEM), Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) STEM, M-type Ferrite magnets

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