Presentation information

Theme session

[3A] Info-D 1 "Thinking about "Non-Human-Centered Design""

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room3

Chairperson (Theme Session):Ken Yokomizo

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

[3A-04] Re-defining design as a network tool for multi-dimantional relationship within built and natural environments.


*Ryo Terui1, Takahito Kamihira2, Sumaru Niida1 (1. KDDI Research, Inc., 2. Senshu University)

Keywords:Actor-netwrok theory, Public engagement, Public empowerment

This investigation demonstrates how a network theory can be grounded in locale, and that enables both researchers and local residents to understand different actors play in the interwoven constitution of the situation, condition and identity of the community where Oshamambe, Hokkaido in Japan. Our aim is to encourage local residents to further democratic participation in the urban regeneration process through analysis of interactions among human, non-human and more-than-human. Furthermore, we hope that stakeholders will be able to consider socio-ecological network at regional, national and global stakes in their long term strategy.