Presentation information


[5A] Design Methodology

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room5

Chairperson:Hideyoshi Yanagisawa

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[5A-02] Attempt on the methodologies of design practice from the perspective of media studies

From the collaboration between empirical research and creative practice

*Kiyoko Toriumi1, Joo-Young Jung2 (1. Showa Women's University - Department of Environmental Science and Design, 2. International Christian University - College of Liberal Arts)

Keywords:Media Studies, Design Practice, Methodology

The purpose of this study is to consider the methodology of design practice from the perspective of media studies. More specifically, it is reported and analyzed the trial of collaborating empirical survey research and the creative design practice, both of which implemented online in 2021. After describing concrete results of both approaches it is discussed the possibilities of multifaceted research methodology and attitude for practical and critical media studies.