Presentation information


[5A] Design Methodology

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oral room5

Chairperson:Hideyoshi Yanagisawa

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[5A-03] The use of persona as a design methodology in local government

- A case study of the "Future vision of Shiga prefecture in post-COVID-19" working group

*Hironori Iwasaki1 (1. Musashino Art University)

Keywords:design for government, persona, design methodology

With the increasing complexity of social issues and the digitization of public services, the use of design methodologies in governmental organizations has been attracting attention. This study focuses on persona, and clarifies how the persona at the Shiga Prefectural Government were created and how they were reflected in policy making. Three characteristics of the use of personas by governmental organizations were identified: building empathy with people, intra-organizational communication, and policy making from a future perspective.
Key Word : design for goverment, persona, design methodology