Presentation information


[6B] History of Design

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM Oral room6

Chairperson:Yoshiaki Kudo

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[6B-04] The state of affairs of Chinese students studied design-related education in Japan in the first half of the 20th century

Based on the Department of Industrial Design in Tokyo Higher Technical School and Tokyo Higher School of Arts & Technology

*CHENHE ZHOU1, Takayuki Higuchi2 (1. CHIBA UNIVERSITY - Graduate School , 2. CHIBA UNIVERSITY)

Keywords:Modern Design Education, Chinese students, Study Abroad in Japan

Chinese students were present at the department of Industrial Design in the Tokyo Higher Technical School (1899-1917) and Tokyo Higher School of Arts and Technology (1921-1944). In this study, we investigated historical documents that survived in China and Japan, determined basic information about each individual, and restored the fact of their studying abroad experience, including student status, entry qualifications and examinations, the content of education and so on.